
Thursday, 10 January 2013

Snow across the the window lattice

Snow across the the window lattice silent falling Blessed City, the middle of winter, wrapped in white costumes. A group of children chasing each other in the streets of snow over heel and send bursts of laughter. They picked up a snow from the ground and from time to time, the regiment into snowballs, lost to a hasty retreat companion. Hit people respond to of excitement Jianxiao and bigger snowball. In the corner of the street, the grocery store owner is hard snow, and distracted from time to time to escape the long eye snowball, roaring to catch up with the fleeing children. These are peaceful scene beckons the arrival of Winter Veil (Winters Day). For Kryta such a pleasant climate, with four distinct seasons kingdom, a sky snow covered the sky like Midsummer fireworks charming enough to arouse each person's innocence. Therefore, at this time of year, the whole city will be plunged into a snow war.   Sorry, I was true to his line of work, referred to a "war" this unpleasant stuff. For a lifetime walking in the gun forest arrows mercenaries, however, the old war, hostilities thrown by both sides not spear and arrows, but Snowball; issue hit instead of screams and roars, but laughter that be nice?, so I do not see the snowball across the air always think of whistling arrows; hear the wood-burning fireplace, also does not think burning cities in the ... Please forgive my old man and a little sad. The past is always lurking behind you like a shadow, when the sunny life, you will be able to see the back of it. Kryta snow, fine and gentle, like a lover's caress. Obviously bears no resemblance, but it always reminds me of the career of their own adventures in the North. There's snow, enough to drown all your memories ...

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